Wednesday 3 December 2014

Progress and some new ideas.

My skin was not as calm this morning.  I woke with a mild headache and delayed my routine for an hour or so.  I decided to take a steamy shower in the hope it would help with my headache.  Since the bottle of Pyrenel Foam was still where I had left it, I added it to a washer and lathered my entire body for a few minutes but used only the TTO Foaming Cleanser on my face.    

The itching sensation died off again.  If my rosacea is related to demodex mites, then it seems that they are not easily eradicated.  A regular application and perhaps some different insecticides will be required.

I searched for insecticides which use different active ingredients other than pyrethrin and came across scabies and body lice medications:
  • lindane
  • crotamine
  • benzyl benzoate
  • clotrimazole
  • permithrin
Another visit to Chemist Warehouse!  I found a plain brown bottle on the bottom shelf labelled Benzemul Application (contains benzyl benzoate 250mg/ml).  I'll try this in a a few days time.

Another plain brown bottle I found was Hydrogen Peroxide 3%.  Mum (a nurse) always had a bottle of this at home when I was growing up.  As soon as it hits pus it fizzes and as a kid I always found it a little bit exciting to get the fizz on a skinned knee or sore.

And, I noticed in my photographs that I had some black pores at the sides of my nose and remembered a product I used to use called Biore Pore Pack.  Yes!  They still make them and I noted that they have extended their range into acne treatments as well.  

It wasn't a cheap shopping expedition.  I needed shampoo as well and I don't usually purchase it from a chemist but Thursday Plantation has a TTO shampoo and conditioner so I added that to my pile of experimental goodies.

When I got home, I rinsed my face and applied the pore packs to my nose, cheeks, chin and forehead.  After around 15 minutes when they had dried to a crisp, I gently peeled them off.  Mostly the papers were clean but the nose paper was pretty gross.  I took a photograph but really can't bring myself to share it.  I did a second application for the nose and again, more grossness but that's all my nose can handle for one day.  

A google search regarding the use of hydrogen peroxide with rosacea brought me to a page where a mixture of the liquid with Baking Soda into a paste and applied to the face was getting results.  

...I know, I'm jumping all over the place with trying too many ideas at once but I'm eager to be rid of this redness.  You can tell I'm not a scientist!

Anyway, I mixed a toothpaste like concoction and caked it onto my nose, cheeks and chin.  It was a tingly, burning sensation but not unbearable.  The mixture was puffing slightly.  To keep it from falling off, I used the spoon to move it around.  Next time I'll add it and then lie down on the floor so it doesn't fall off.

I was feeling nervous about how my face would react to having the hydrogen peroxide on it.  I rinsed under running lukewarm water and my skin instantly felt very soft.  It was a little reddened but not uncomfortable.  A couple of spots had appeared overnight an I used a cotton tip to dab some undiluted hydrogen peroxide directly onto them.  They fizzed!  

I applied TTO antibacterial ointment and didn't get a chance to look in the mirror again for an hour or so but when I did, I was happy to see even calmer skin than I have for a long while.

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